29 research outputs found

    Dynamic tuning of parallel/distributed applications

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    The thesis addresses the problem of automatic and dynamic tuning of parallel and distributed applications. Our objective is to help developers in the process of improving the application performance. The work presents a whole solution that deals with the issues of automatic and dynamic application improvement. In this approach, an application is monitored, its performance bottlenecks are detected, solutions are given and the application is modified on the flyFacultad de Inform谩tic

    Dynamic tuning of parallel programs

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    Performance of parallel programs is one of the reasons of their development. The process of designing and programming a parallel application is a very hard task that requires the necessary knowledge for the detection of performance bottlenecks, and the corresponding changes in the source code of the application to eliminate those bottlenecks. Current approaches to this analysis require a certain level of expertise from the developers part in locating and understanding the performance details of the application execution. For these reasons, we present an automatic performance analysis tool with the objective of alleviating the developers of this hard task: Kappa Pi. The most important limitation of KappaPi approach is the important amount of gathered information needed for the analysis. For this reason, we present a dynamic tuning system that takes measures of the execution on-line. This new design is focused to improve the performance of parallel programs during runtime.I Workshop de Procesamiento Distribuido y Paralelo (WPDP)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Nova metodologia per a la doc猫ncia de projectes fi de carrera basada en grups de debat i cooperaci贸

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    En aquest treball s'analitza un canvi metodol貌gic durant la realitzaci贸 i seguiment del Projectes de Fi de Carrera (PFC), que permeti un seguiment actiu, afavoreixi el treball en grups col路laboratius, la avaluaci贸 formativa, amb l'objectiu de millorar la qualitat i els resultats acad猫mics dels Projectes de Fi de Carrera. Es proposa un canvi en la metodologia usada per a la direcci贸 dels PFC, de manera que existeixi un treball individual i en grup, una supervisi贸 i avaluaci贸 continuada del treball realitzat per l'estudiant i una visi贸 docent i professional del projecte. La proposta es concreta en fer un seguiment del projecte mitjan莽ant l'assist猫ncia a reunions peri貌diques de grup per la presentaci贸 i debat del treball realitzat a cada fase del projecte. A cada reuni贸 es fa una introducci贸 per part del professor responsable sobre el tema del dia, a continuaci贸 una exposici贸 breu per part de cada alumne a on es presentar脿 el treball realitzat i la planificaci贸 futura i es debatr脿 entre tots, finalment es faran les conclusions finals i s'establiran els objectius per la propera reuni贸. A mes a mes, cada alumne entrega un comentari escrit sobre les exposicions que s'han fet a la reuni贸, valorant els punts forts i punts febles de cadascuna. Finalment, per cada reuni贸 es fa una entrega via campus virtual de les diapositives de la presentaci贸 del tema de cada reuni贸 i un document escrit de la fase de la reuni贸 anterior amb les correccions o comentaris incorporats. Addicionalment, es fan tutories individuals per tractat temes o dubtes espec铆fics de cada projecte

    Process tracking for dynamic tuning applications on the grid

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    Los recursos computacionales requeridos por la comunidad cient铆fica para solucionar problemas son mayores que los ofrecidos por la infraestructura actual. La necesidad de mayores prestaciones se debe al constante progreso de la investigaci贸n, nuevos problemas o aumento del detalle en los problemas corrientes. Usuarios crean nuevos sistemas distribuidos en larga escala como sistemas Grid para lograr prestaciones deseadas. Sistemas Grid son generalmente construidos sobre los recursos computacionales disponibles como clusters, maquinas paralelas o dispositivos de almacenamiento distribuidos en diferentes organizaciones e interconectado por una red. Sintonizar aplicaciones en un sistema Grid no es f谩cil debido a las caracter铆sticas de distribuci贸n de procesos en m煤ltiples clusters controlados por diferentes sistemas de colas y heterogeneidad de la red de comunicaciones. Nosotros tenemos un entorno de monitorizaci贸n, an谩lisis y sintonizaci贸n (MATE) que permite la sintonizaci贸n din谩mica de aplicaciones en entornos cluster. Debido a las muchas capas de software presente en sistemas Grid, dos ejecuciones de una misma aplicaci贸n pueden usar recursos distintos. Para sintonizar los procesos de la aplicaci贸n, nuestra herramienta debe localizar y seguir la ejecuci贸n de los procesos en el sistema. Nosotros llamamos eso como problema de localizaci贸n de procesos. Este art铆culo presenta la integraci贸n de MATE con Gris y dos aproximaciones implementadas para solucionar el problema de localizaci贸n de procesos dentro de sistemas Grid.The computational resources need by the scientific community to solve problems is beyond the current available infrastructure. Performance requirements are needed due constant research progress, new problems studies or detail increase of the current ones. Users create new wide distributed systems such as computational Grids to achieve desired performance goals. Grid systems are generally built on top of available computational resources as cluster, parallel machines or storage devices distributed within different organizations and those resources are interconnected by a network. Tune applications on Grid environment is a hard task due system characteristics like multi-cluster job distribution among different local schedulers and dynamic network bandwidth behavior. We had a Monitoring, Analysis and Tuning Environment (MATE) that allows dynamic performance tuning applications within a cluster. Due to the many software layers present on the grid, similar job submission may execute on different places. To tune application jobs, our tool needs to locate and follow the jobs execution within the system. We call this a process tracking problem. This paper presents MATE integration to the Grid and the two process tracking approaches implemented in order to solve the process tracking problem within Grid systemsVII Workshop de Procesamiento Distribuido y Paralelo (WPDP)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Process tracking for dynamic tuning applications on the grid

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    Los recursos computacionales requeridos por la comunidad cient铆fica para solucionar problemas son mayores que los ofrecidos por la infraestructura actual. La necesidad de mayores prestaciones se debe al constante progreso de la investigaci贸n, nuevos problemas o aumento del detalle en los problemas corrientes. Usuarios crean nuevos sistemas distribuidos en larga escala como sistemas Grid para lograr prestaciones deseadas. Sistemas Grid son generalmente construidos sobre los recursos computacionales disponibles como clusters, maquinas paralelas o dispositivos de almacenamiento distribuidos en diferentes organizaciones e interconectado por una red. Sintonizar aplicaciones en un sistema Grid no es f谩cil debido a las caracter铆sticas de distribuci贸n de procesos en m煤ltiples clusters controlados por diferentes sistemas de colas y heterogeneidad de la red de comunicaciones. Nosotros tenemos un entorno de monitorizaci贸n, an谩lisis y sintonizaci贸n (MATE) que permite la sintonizaci贸n din谩mica de aplicaciones en entornos cluster. Debido a las muchas capas de software presente en sistemas Grid, dos ejecuciones de una misma aplicaci贸n pueden usar recursos distintos. Para sintonizar los procesos de la aplicaci贸n, nuestra herramienta debe localizar y seguir la ejecuci贸n de los procesos en el sistema. Nosotros llamamos eso como problema de localizaci贸n de procesos. Este art铆culo presenta la integraci贸n de MATE con Gris y dos aproximaciones implementadas para solucionar el problema de localizaci贸n de procesos dentro de sistemas Grid.The computational resources need by the scientific community to solve problems is beyond the current available infrastructure. Performance requirements are needed due constant research progress, new problems studies or detail increase of the current ones. Users create new wide distributed systems such as computational Grids to achieve desired performance goals. Grid systems are generally built on top of available computational resources as cluster, parallel machines or storage devices distributed within different organizations and those resources are interconnected by a network. Tune applications on Grid environment is a hard task due system characteristics like multi-cluster job distribution among different local schedulers and dynamic network bandwidth behavior. We had a Monitoring, Analysis and Tuning Environment (MATE) that allows dynamic performance tuning applications within a cluster. Due to the many software layers present on the grid, similar job submission may execute on different places. To tune application jobs, our tool needs to locate and follow the jobs execution within the system. We call this a process tracking problem. This paper presents MATE integration to the Grid and the two process tracking approaches implemented in order to solve the process tracking problem within Grid systemsVII Workshop de Procesamiento Distribuido y Paralelo (WPDP)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Process tracking for dynamic tuning applications on the grid

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    Los recursos computacionales requeridos por la comunidad cient铆fica para solucionar problemas son mayores que los ofrecidos por la infraestructura actual. La necesidad de mayores prestaciones se debe al constante progreso de la investigaci贸n, nuevos problemas o aumento del detalle en los problemas corrientes. Usuarios crean nuevos sistemas distribuidos en larga escala como sistemas Grid para lograr prestaciones deseadas. Sistemas Grid son generalmente construidos sobre los recursos computacionales disponibles como clusters, maquinas paralelas o dispositivos de almacenamiento distribuidos en diferentes organizaciones e interconectado por una red. Sintonizar aplicaciones en un sistema Grid no es f谩cil debido a las caracter铆sticas de distribuci贸n de procesos en m煤ltiples clusters controlados por diferentes sistemas de colas y heterogeneidad de la red de comunicaciones. Nosotros tenemos un entorno de monitorizaci贸n, an谩lisis y sintonizaci贸n (MATE) que permite la sintonizaci贸n din谩mica de aplicaciones en entornos cluster. Debido a las muchas capas de software presente en sistemas Grid, dos ejecuciones de una misma aplicaci贸n pueden usar recursos distintos. Para sintonizar los procesos de la aplicaci贸n, nuestra herramienta debe localizar y seguir la ejecuci贸n de los procesos en el sistema. Nosotros llamamos eso como problema de localizaci贸n de procesos. Este art铆culo presenta la integraci贸n de MATE con Gris y dos aproximaciones implementadas para solucionar el problema de localizaci贸n de procesos dentro de sistemas Grid.The computational resources need by the scientific community to solve problems is beyond the current available infrastructure. Performance requirements are needed due constant research progress, new problems studies or detail increase of the current ones. Users create new wide distributed systems such as computational Grids to achieve desired performance goals. Grid systems are generally built on top of available computational resources as cluster, parallel machines or storage devices distributed within different organizations and those resources are interconnected by a network. Tune applications on Grid environment is a hard task due system characteristics like multi-cluster job distribution among different local schedulers and dynamic network bandwidth behavior. We had a Monitoring, Analysis and Tuning Environment (MATE) that allows dynamic performance tuning applications within a cluster. Due to the many software layers present on the grid, similar job submission may execute on different places. To tune application jobs, our tool needs to locate and follow the jobs execution within the system. We call this a process tracking problem. This paper presents MATE integration to the Grid and the two process tracking approaches implemented in order to solve the process tracking problem within Grid systemsVII Workshop de Procesamiento Distribuido y Paralelo (WPDP)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Dynamic tuning of parallel programs

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    Performance of parallel programs is one of the reasons of their development. The process of designing and programming a parallel application is a very hard task that requires the necessary knowledge for the detection of performance bottlenecks, and the corresponding changes in the source code of the application to eliminate those bottlenecks. Current approaches to this analysis require a certain level of expertise from the developers part in locating and understanding the performance details of the application execution. For these reasons, we present an automatic performance analysis tool with the objective of alleviating the developers of this hard task: Kappa Pi. The most important limitation of KappaPi approach is the important amount of gathered information needed for the analysis. For this reason, we present a dynamic tuning system that takes measures of the execution on-line. This new design is focused to improve the performance of parallel programs during runtime.I Workshop de Procesamiento Distribuido y Paralelo (WPDP)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Process tracking for dynamic tuning applications on the grid

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    The computational resources need by the scientific community to solve problems is beyond the current available infrastructure. Performance requirements are needed due constant research progress, new problems studies or detail increase of the current ones. Users create new wide distributed systems such as computational Grids to achieve desired performance goals. Grid systems are generally built on top of available computational resources as cluster, parallel machines or storage devices distributed within different organizations and those resources are interconnected by a network. Application tuning on Grid environment is a hard task due system characteristics like multi-cluster job distribution among different local schedulers and dynamic network bandwidth behavior. We had a Monitoring, Analysis and Tuning Environment (MATE) that allows dynamic performance tuning applications within a cluster. Due to the many software layers present on the grid, similar job submission may execute on different places. To tune application jobs, our tool needs to locate and follow the jobs execution within the system. We call this a process tracking problem. This paper presents MATE integration to the Grid and the two process tracking approaches implemented in order to solve the process tracking problem within Grid systems.Facultad de Inform谩tic

    Aplicaci贸 web de not铆cies

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    Aquesta mem貌ria tracta sobre el procediment de creaci贸 d'una aplicaci贸 web de not铆cies. Est脿 dividida en 3 zones, una on usuaris amb permisos d'administraci贸 poden penjar not铆cies per ser visualitzades per tothom, una altra que s'hi accedeix si s'茅s usuari registrat i permet visualitzar noticies d'altres servidors mitjan莽ant el format de dades RSS, i un tercer apartat de gesti贸 administrativa, incorporar noves not铆cies, modificar-ne de presents o introduir noves p脿gines web que continguin not铆cies. Els usuaris registrats podran seleccionar el diaris dels quals rebran informaci贸, aix铆 com especificar quines tem脿tiques prefereixen en la cerca de not铆cies.Esta memoria trata sobre el procedimiento de creaci贸n de una aplicaci贸n web de noticias. Est谩 dividida en 3 zonas, una donde usuarios con permisos de administraci贸n pueden colgar noticias para ser visualizadas por todos, otra que se accede si se es usuario registrado y que permite visualizar noticias de otros servidores mediante el formato de datos RSS, y un tercer apartado de gesti贸n administrativa, incorporar nuevas noticias, modificar las presentes o introducir nuevas p谩ginas web que contengan noticias. Los usuarios registrados podr谩n seleccionar los peri贸dicos de los cuales recibir谩n informaci贸n, as铆 como especificar qu茅 tem谩ticas prefieren en la b煤squeda de noticias.This report is about the creation procedure of a news web application. It is divided into 3 areas. In the first one, users with administration permit are allowed to hang news to be visualized by everybody; the second one, which is accessed only by a registered user and allows visualizing news from other servers through the data format RSS, and, finally, a third area of administrative management in order to introduce and modify news or to introduce further web pages containing news. Registered users will be allowed to select the newspapers from which they will receive information as well as to specify which news search topic they prefer